A year ago we wrote ‘Whilst there are some clear examples of success, overall the (re)insurance industry has failed in its attempt to attract and retain a diverse talent pool at all levels.’ We are pleased to say, since then, we have actively seen positive change at McGill and Partners.
As we develop as a business our core ethos remains unchanged, we believe that a diverse and engaged colleague base brings fresh perspectives that help us to deliver innovative solutions for our clients.
We continue to build a business that attracts and retains the most talented and creative minds in (re)insurance broking industry and beyond, and inclusivity is key to our growth ambitions. We have recruited over 154 new colleagues in the past year alone and are proud to see our colleague base grow and develop; working as one team to deliver to our clients, our partners and one another.
Our diversity statistics
We don’t treat D&I as a tick box exercise, instead we see diversity as core to the growth of our business. To show our commitment we promised to be completely transparent and publicise our diversity statistics. We stand by this.
While they show positive changes, of which we are very proud, we will not stop. We will continue to do more.
This data below is based on our colleague base as at 31st December 2021. As we have done this year, we will update these statistics on an annual basis and look forward to demonstrating significant improvements over the next few years and beyond. We have set clear internal metrics on where we want our diversity mix to be.
1. Gender

2. Ethnicity

3. Sexual Orientation

Our key initiatives
We believe our culture and strengths are what set us apart in the market and what drives our extraordinary talent to join, and to stay with us. Our culture is represented in the initiatives we have implemented to improve diversity and inclusion at McGill and Partners for 2022 and beyond:
1. Flexible working structures
We have established a ‘Contract of Trust’ with all our colleagues which allows us to apply leading-edge practice with regards to maternity/paternity leave as well as fully flexible working hours and holidays without set limits.
2. Executive leadership bonus risk
Our Exec team have agreed to put an element of their individual bonus at risk on an annual basis which will be dependent on the improvement of our annual company diversity stats. This demonstrates that we intend to profoundly improve our stats year-on-year.
3.Being bold in recruitment
We are committed to increasing social mobility within the insurance broking sector and have successfully partnered with a social mobility charity, which has led to our very successful McGill and Partners Apprentice programme. We have also introduced a number of core principles for our recruitment process which focuses on diversity of shortlist.
4. Introduction of Colleague Resource Groups (CRGs)
We have now established 5 Colleague Resource Groups across the firm: Pride at McGill, EDGE (Ethnically Diverse Group of Employees) at McGill, WISE (Women in Search of Equality) at McGill, McGill Minds (Mental Health First Aid Group), and The Collagen Club (Menopause Support). These groups help to foster awareness, respect and inclusion and promote the causes of the diverse groups they represent.
5. Partnering with purpose
We partner with The Steelers, the world’s first gay-inclusive rugby union club and their affiliated club The Vixens, and a social mobility charity, The Brokerage to run our highly successful Apprenticeship programme. As part of our focus on social mobility and digital poverty we engaged with local schools to provide laptops and IT equipment. We are currently engaging with charities to help with the Ukrainian refugee crisis. Every colleague is expected to take personal responsibility and ensure we build a truly diverse and intentionally inclusive business.
If you would like to explore opportunities to work at McGill and Partners, please apply here.